Saturday 13th July 2024
6 youth USSCC members and 3 Adults where in attendance on the day.
Visiting Upper and Lower Ravine Caves at Boho.
After getting geared up at the Hub, we drove over to the linnet Inn, Got all ready and briefed on the adventure ahead.
Fighting our way though the Jungle towards Boho Cave (Quarry Entrance) well it musta felt like that for the wee ones!
We bumped into Tim Fogg which was down in search for his fungus Bugs in the caves, after a quick chat we departed, Tim heading into the main Boho Caves and us heading down the dry river bed, an into the cave climb that opened up into a climb down a dry waterfall area , Ray set up life line for the kids using a monter hitch method.
Once all down some how we ended up walking past upper Ravine cave, so we went into Lower Ravine first, where some accidental mud throwing took place and ended up into a eye wash having to be down, all being well and some hugs by the kids, we made our way in, another assisted line was set up for the kids for a small climb , some went in by the crawl and some the more walkable way, afterwards we headed down to where the river remerged out, splashed a few stones ,had a short break and headed up to the Upper Ravine , yet another climb, into a chamber and down a sand slide tunnel into the main section for a wee explore, on the way back we spilt into two groups, ones heading from the quarry entrance to main sink and the other group doing the virgin loop to main sink, after wards we headed into the Linnet Inn for some soft drinks and crisps/nuts and to get a pizza in town.
Full belly for all and a Fun day for all until the next trip in Dec.