Some Christmas time caving.
Heading off at 9.30am loaded with some Scaff bars and tools in hand, with a plan to secure up Freda's hole dig.
A little support to the slope down into the cave, an few more down at the dig area, That it here sorted for the next time.
Also we looked at some other areas around for sinks, dolines an other areas of interest.
After this we decided to pop into Pollthanerees ,where we found it was not to be as Chris seemed to not be able to get in, an remained a little stuck for 15mins.
So we went on over to Mastodon Rift, Straight away Ray went to step around the corner to enter and even before he got in took a slip an fell, down like a bag of spuds, hit the head, face and back, sad up all was well ,just a little blood and sore, so was decided not to go on and we called it a day!
